South Hills High School DiG iN Project
DiGiN 1:1 Training Access
Office Hours: 8:00 - 5:00
A106B (The back of Hulcher's Room)
Lunch and Learn:
4th TUESDAY 11:00 AM- 1:00 PM
In Need of Technology Support?
Student and Teachers at South Hills will now have the opportunity to receive personalized training and troubleshooting from your very own Student Support Team. Learn how to use certain applications, tools or even have your device repaired by SHHS Tech Squ@d beginning Thursday, January 19, 2017.

Please see Mr. Smith, your Technology Learning Coach in A151 with your questions
DiGiN D.A.T. of the Week Has Returned!
At South Hills we would like to begin to recognize the teachers who truly DiGiN by implementing engaging learning environments in his/her classroom. The new recognition is called: DiGiN D.A.T. of the Week. D.A.T. stands for Digital Advocacy Teacher. We want to promote an atmosphere of inspired learning therefore it is only appropriate if we show gratitude to those teacher that exemplify our MISSION: Preparing students for success in college, career and community leadership; our VISION: Igniting in Every Child a Passion for Learning; and our VALUES: Student Achievement, Leadership Development, Stakeholder Collaboration, Respect for Diversity, Equity in Access, Perseverance and Commitment, Continuous Improvement

Coming Soon!
Digital Citizenship Lesson for March
Movers and Shakers
Digital Parenting Advice?
5 Ways to Stop Cyberbullies
To complete the lesson, go to www.fortworth.itslearning.com
For Digital Citizenship Parent Resources click button below
Our Stakeholder Community Event
One of the responsibilities as a Digital Citizenship Certified School is to ensure that we empower all members of our community with the tools they need to be responsible Digital Stakeholders as parents, leaders, advocates and students in today's digital world. Click here for more information and to register for the event.