Why is 1:1 important?
1:1 goes far beyond just giving students iPads...it is about putting the world in their hands. It's a learning initiative aimed at providing all students with personalized learning experiences that stimulate creativity and imagination. We want students to experience, connect and interact with the world in ways that traditional textbooks and curriculum alone can't provide.
Why was the _____ chosen for this program?
It was determined that the ____ is presently the tool with the greatest potential to meet the individual needs of students and provide a smooth integration into the district's technology environment. After considering the cost, limitations, available applications, and portability, the _______ was chosen as the optimal device for our students.
What exactly will my student receive?
Each student will be issued a new _________, with _____________. Students will be given the option to provide their own personal protective case and may purchase additional peripherals, if they so desire. All students will be issued a district __________. Students will be expected to keep the ________ in the District issued ___________ (or an equally __________)
When will students get their _________?
In support of the 1:1 stoneagethinking vision, students will have access to _______ in the following phases:
Phase I
MYP 1-3 in a 1:1 ratio - August, 2014
Phase II
4-5 Guides in a 1:1 in school ratio - September, 2014
Phase III
1-3 Guides in a 3:1 ratio - January, 2015
PreK-Kinder in a 5:1 ratio - Spring 2015
Will students take the _______ home or will they remain in the classroom?
IB MYP Students in grades will take their _______ home with them daily in order to have 24/7 access to the classrooms via Haiku. For the Montessori students, they will use their _________ only in the classroom.
StoneAgeThinking 1:1 FAQs
Will students get to keep their ______ over the summer?
IB MYP 1 and 2 Students will be able to take their _______ home over the summer. We may need to update software and perform other maintenance and may ask that _______ be turned into the technology department for a short time. MYP 3 students will need to turn thier _________ in prior to graduation.
What is expected of students?
Each day, students are expected to bring their fully-charged ________ to school in working order. There will not be power outlets at every desk, but will have access to power in each classroom. Students are expected to manage their device in a way that minimizes the likelihood of damage, loss or theft.
How can students secure their personal information?
Students will be trained in basic security as apart of the Digitial Citizenship program via Common Sense Media, and will set a passcode to their _______ to help secure their personal information.
What if students forget to bring their ______ to school? (MYP)
If students fail to bring their device to school, they will be responsible for completing course work as if they had their device with them.
What is the cost to families for the _______?
There is no cost to families for the _______ unless it is damaged, destroyed or stolen
Am I required to have Internet access at home for the 1:1 program?
No, Internet access in the home is not required. Students will be able to access free wireless service at many local businesses. Students will have the opportunity to obtain necessary documents and information on their ______ to use offline.
What happens if a(n) ______ is damaged, destroyed or stolen? (Device Insurance) (MYP)
If the device is damaged, destroyed or stolen, it will be the responsibility of the student's family to pay for its replacement or repair. To support families in this responsibility, the district will be offering an optional insurance program to cover any repair and/or replacement costs. More details will be available on this program soon.
How will Internet access for my student be filtered on the ________?
Devices issued by the school district will be subject to the same content filtering as computers used in the schools. This filtering will be active on the ________ at all times on and off the school campus. Families will be provided information for internet filter options while using the device at home.
Will there be support for families?
Absolutely! Support and Training will be provided through Family and Community Tech Tuesdays and Appy Hour Thursdays, along with district News updates. Harry Stone will provide valuable information to help families manage the device at home and keep them informed of what is occurring at school.
Can students install their own apps? (MYP)
Yes. The district will provide apps that are essential for school work, but we do want students to be able to load their own as well. Students will be responsible for keeping their apps and data updated. Students or parents/guardians can buy cards and load money on a student's account if they so choose. If students install their own apps, they will be expected to load apps in accordance with the district guidelines. Refer to the district Handbook for more information.
What if my student has special needs such as a disability? How do I ensure accommodations are made for their unique needs?
Parents/guardians of students who have a disability should work with their student's IEP manager and/or Section 504 coordinator to determine what if any accommodations are needed when using the iPad
Do I have to buy any apps for the iPad?
No. The Harry Stone and the district will purchase all necessary apps for students and provide families with redemption codes for the apps.
Who can I contact if I have questions?
Students can e-mail questions to: techsquad@harrystone.org
Families can email questions to: admin@harrystone.org