A Window To the Classroom
As part of becoming an International Baccalaureatte School, allowing our students to have full access to course work and unit content was critical. We wanted our students and parents to have a 24/7 view inside of the classroom in order to improve student engagement and parental involvment in the vigorouse learning environment that Harry Stone is creating. After looking at several Learning Management and Content Management Systems, to promote #stoneagethinking, we decided on Haiku, LMS. We are currently piloting Haiku and this page should explain why.

Domain Control
Haiku Learning allows for easy set up and control. From the Domain Control Panel our administrators can import users via CSV, create classes, monitor logs, masquerade as other users (which is a great learning tool for understanding Haiku from all view points), produce and print reports, and monitor statistics of schools, classes, and even individual users.

Student e-Portfolio
As an IB candidate school, having a place to display student projects and reflection piece is ideal. With the ePortfolio option, Harry Stone students are able to create a space to showcase classroom work that will stay with them throughout their tenure in the International Baccalaureatte program at Harry Stone.

GAFE Integration
Google Apps For Education
One of the best parts of Haiku, is Google integration that allows Harry Stone to simply load Google Docs, Presentation, Drawing, Forms and Spreadsheets directly on activity pages for instructional purpose. When searching for a solution for students who did not have access to Microsoft Office or Apple iWork, Google Apps became our best option. Students now are able to do their work online and turn it in having access to their Google Drive directly within Haiku.

IB and Traditional Gradebook
September 1st
The gradebook feature is customizable to accomadate both our campuse. For our Montessori school, the traditional gradebook allows for notations to be added to fit our creative classroom reporting philosophies. Using the Standards-Based Grading, we are able to manipulate the settings to allow for growth and mastery to be demonstrated through the scoring options that we control.

Video and More...
With some classes at Harry Stone taking the Flipped approach, video has become the prominent means of instruction. Videos from YouTube, Vimeo or even Mac or PC created videos can be easly uploaded, embedded or adding via url to the Haiku platform.
The same can be said for audio files, polls and surveys or many Web 2.0 applications and websites. Embedding educational tools from the internet can be done directly into Haiku.

“I love the proactive approach that Haiku allows us a parents to have. Instead of finding out what goes on in clas after the fact, especailly when my kid gets a bad grade, I now can get ahead of the game to support my son better, prior to turning in his work"
"I finally know what is going on inside my daughter's class. I always ask her what she did in school that day, and she never could tell me, which led to missing assignments. Not anymore!"
“Feedback! After getting my work back from any of my teachers, I can actually see the notes and gain a better understanding of why I recieved the grade that was given." Not only that, I can interact with my teacher and my classmates about my work at anytime without have to email back and forth."
Joselyn Narvaez 8th Grade
Michael Williams, 6th Grade Parent
Evelyn Smith, 7th Grade Parent